Strategic leadership is a term that many use, but can be an abstract concept to the majority of leaders. In their article, Krupp and Howland (2013) explain that rather than looking at strategic leadership as the latest buzzword, should identify and develop strategic thinkers using their Six Elements of Strategic Thinking framework. Their six elements provide a more tangible map for leaders to focus on. The elements include anticipating what’s ahead, challenging conventional processes, interpreting ambiguity, making decisions using process and discipline, aligning thinking with key stakeholders, and learning by embracing feedback (Krupp & Howland, 2013). While each of these elements may be challenging for various leaders, they offer some specific ideas on how leaders can improve their strategic abilities. Overall, the article provided some great insights to how leaders can use strategy to be effective in their work.
This particular article did a great job of helping readers think about what strategic leadership looks like in action. Good leaders can certainly anticipate where the organization needs to go and are not afraid to question the status quo. In addition, leaders are not afraid of ambiguity, but see change as an opportunity to grow. In my experience as a manager, I have seen those who are fearful of the unknown, which ultimately paralyzes their ability to make decisions. Strategic leaders can make effective decisions while keeping those invested at the forefront of their minds. This ability is especially helpful when implementing a rollout or new initiative. However, probably the most important element of all is being receptive to feedback. If any of these qualities is not innate, leaders who are willing to embrace feedback can be molded into an excellent strategic leader. Accepting you have things to improve is humbling, but can truly make the difference between a good and superior leader.
Krupp, S., & Howland, S. (2013). Strategic leadership. Leadership Excellence, 30(5), 17. doi: 10.1177/1548051812471724